Geof-Crowl / new-typeface-hoefler-co-ringside
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Wednesday, Feb. 8th 2017

New Typeface from Hoefler & Co: Ringside link →

Another gorgeous typeface from a company that continues to put out great work.

Designed for diversity instead of homogeneity, Ringside brings to the modern superfamily some of the charming individuality of the potluck sans serif.

Hoefler & Co's description positions Ringside as a body copy typeface similar in tone and nature to Knockout.

Personally, I'm excited for any excuse to use this typeface (I'm still looking for the perfect project to use Mallory). My first-hand experience with Hoefler & Co's cloud.typography service was fantastic. The service delivers Gotham Rounded to the YouMap marketing site that was designed and developed while I was at Rally.

Updated on Saturday, Feb. 15th 2020